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JB - Three for ten - S02E12

Nov 10, 2017

The exhausted JB ha arrived to Colombo after he was conned in Kytes. As he has escaped a war his survival instincts are on point. He has brought his Jaffna instincts to cease the opportunity the country is in, he is selling bottles for Petrol to make up the 3 mil he lost. He has priced 3 bottles at 10 rupees, as it seems as a normal situation to run out of oil, he is selling glass bottles at a higher price. All which Perli's son has used for intoxication earlier. Please do him a favor, buy a bottle if you seem by the road side.

Production and Pics by Adhil Ghouse
Hair by - Capello Salons
Look by - Dr Slim inc available at JUMP clothing
Dressed by - AkiY


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